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Other Unauthorized Dealers
Below is a list of non-authorized Berkey® dealers that we have identified. This is not a complete list. However, we will make our best effort to keep this page updated to aid you, the customer, in selecting only authorized Berkey® dealers.
- 2K Distributions (www.eau-berkey.com)
- Alibaba.com
- Aquacrest
- Berkey.co.uk
- Bestfilters.ca
- Blinq.com
- Bol.com
- Campingwaterfilterco.com (Envirotech Products)
- Costco.ca
- Cuisinez rapidement (https://www.cuisinez-rapidement.com/)
- Cyber Monday Specials on Walmart.com
- GetaWaterFilter.com
- Pro Sales (sears.com)
- SCS Direct
- Tru Water Filters (truewater.com.au)
- Filter My Water (www.filtermywater.com.au)
- WasserFilterPlaza.de
- WaterFilterPlaza.eu
- WaterFilterPlaza.nl